



Is AI Enough Or We Need UX To Guide AI?





Every day in whatever technology we use, we see the presence of artificial intelligence in every piece of technology we are using. One thing that has led artificial intelligence to surpass human intelligence is accuracy. Look around yourself today and you will see numerous examples of artificial intelligence. The entire technology you are using is based on AI aka the artificial intelligence factor. The specific artificial intelligence is based on the concept algorithms which are used to perform specific tasks with accuracy and punctuality. This is the core feature that leads to AI outperforming human intelligence. 

Now, many people still wonder as to why UX guides AI, and it is undoubtedly a valid question. The reason why people say that UX guides AI is because it reduces the human experience and puts forth its accuracy. This leads to context blindness and general inability so that it gives proper feedback, also it hardly gives the users control over its inner workings. Despite this, algorithms make a great way to make fast decisions. 

What About AIX Design Where UX Guides AI? 

As we have discussed above, the purveyors have one specific error regarding artificial intelligence. Many developers have come up with the idea to adjust the user experience with Artificial intelligence. In this, the user experience parameters are adjusted according to the algorithm functionality and not the other way round. What does this mean? It infers that the Algorithm gets to have a say in what choices we are making, for example suggesting to us what movie to watch based on the algorithm of ‘most-watched movies of 2022’ or ‘most liked movies of 2022’ or any other criteria.

Another field where we encounter a similar process is social media networking where content is shoved down one’s throat in the form of video and photos. This is the modus operandi of AIX design where you have little time to analyze the content. But for elevating user experience, you need to insert the AI for UI UX design, too, and surprisingly, it is not difficult at all. What one thing we can do is to compartmentalize the two issues: AI remains AI and UI remains UI. Through this method, we get the UX guide AI and also achieve AI for UI UX design. In simpler words, the algorithm does its work to ensure efficiency and accuracy, but at the same time, users are also given control over the content they consume passively and actively. 

Will AI Replace UX Designers?

Another pressing question that looms over the consumers’ mind: Will AI replace UX designers? If you want a direct answer without going much into the details, then it is no. AI is an important part of which can function with the UX or without the UX, but UX is something that should not be left without AI.

Firstly, AI for UI UX design has been a crucial part of the journey. Despite the recognition or no recognition by humans, AI holds a crucial place in the workspace and the workflow system. It might render you useless for your job through its accuracy. 

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Secondly, notwithstanding the prevalence of AI in today’s tech world, it is a truth widely accepted that everyone demands that UX guide AI. This is one of the major reasons why AI can’t overthrow humans despite its accuracy and efficiency: it cannot provide a human touch. There is more the rapidity and accuracy of thoughts that are needed in the workplace that can never be fulfilled by AI, despite the efficiency. AI cannot improve or even work with enhancing the customer experience. You can get hundreds of ideas regarding the logo designs you need for the business, but to evaluate what suits your business the best, you have to have the personal human touch and intelligence. 

Consequently, AI UX design can and should work together, to make the most out of their accuracy and human touch. AI will not end up taking or snatching your job but will help you to gain the same motto it works for: accuracy and efficiency. Despite the suggestions you will be given for any questions, you will be in control of what you want to perform. AI is partially independent (as in searching and presenting) partially dependent (as in selecting and applying).  

What Is The Designer’s Guide To AI-Driven UX? 

Now we have seen all the reasons as to why UX guides AI, let us take a quick look at the designer’s guide to AI-driven UX. 

  1. Collectively, they identify and cater to human needs in the best way possible.
  2. AI-UX helps in developing data needs following the user needs.

This is how crucial it is to UX guide AI in all aspects of the technology. 

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