



Why Is React Native Development Considered So Beneficial?

React Native Development





Creating a mobile app has become a pivotal strategy for businesses amid the burgeoning field of mobile app development. The decision of which app to design and the technology to employ can be challenging. React Native, a robust app development framework, emerges as a compelling option, offering efficiency in both time and cost. The surge in demand for mobile applications makes it crucial for businesses to choose a user-friendly, affordable, and cross-compatible framework for iOS and Android platforms.

This article revolves around the suitability of React Native for businesses venturing into mobile app development. Its capacity to reduce development time and costs positions React Native as a powerful choice in this dynamic landscape.

Let's explore why React Native stands out as an apt framework for companies seeking to leverage the potential of mobile app expansion.

So, Let's get started!

What is React Native? The failure behind the great success

React Native, a sought-after open-source framework, simplifies app development by allowing developers to write in JavaScript and render with native UI elements. This unique approach enables code reuse across platforms, primarily targeting Android and iOS.

Born out of Facebook's acknowledgment of their initial mobile misstep, React Native merges the concepts of the React web development library and native SDKs. Facebook's early reliance on HTML for mobile apps led to crashes and a one-star App Store rating.

However, React Native emerged as a solution, initially for iOS and later expanding to Android. Presently, it extends support to Windows 10, macOS, and even desktop software development.

React Native's versatility doesn't stop there; it includes React Native for Web, enabling mobile app emulation in a browser. Despite its expanded capabilities, React Native remains true to its core purpose — facilitating concurrent design for both iOS and Android projects. This evolution positions React Native as a powerful and adaptive framework, overcoming initial challenges to become a favored choice for cross-platform app development.

Benefits of Using React Native

Growing community: answers to any problem

React Native may not be as big as React in terms of community and ecosystem, but it's gaining popularity. If you run into issues, you can find help easily. The GitHub repository has over 660,000 users and 2,300 contributors. StackOverflow has nearly 99,500 questions about React Native, so you can find answers or ask your questions.

Social media is useful too. React's Twitter has 480,000 followers, and there's a separate React Native Twitter with 110,000 followers for the latest news. Reactiflux on Discord is a large community where you can share concerns and ask questions. has over 1,800 posts about React Native experiences. The React Native Community on Facebook shares video tips.

While React Native may not be the biggest, it has a growing community that provides support across various online platforms. This makes it a good choice for cross-platform app development.

Fast Refresh and Flipper: better debugging experience

Not too long ago, debugging in React Native was a bit of a headache for developers. However, things got a lot better with the introduction of the Fast Refresh feature and the built-in support for the mobile app debugger Flipper.

Fast Refresh, when activated in the React Native developer menu, instantly shows any code edits on the screen. It's like magic – you make a change, and it's right there. If there are errors, the browser view helps you understand what went wrong. This makes the process of adding new features and fixing bugs much faster and smoother.

Now, let's talk about Flipper. It's like a superhero tool for developers. It comes with a bunch of handy tools and allows for remote debugging. Imagine fixing issues with your app as if it's in the real world, close to how it works in production. That's what Flipper enables.

So, with Fast Refresh and Flipper, debugging in React Native has become way more efficient and less of a hassle. It's like having the right tools in your superhero utility belt.

JavaScript at the core

React Native, like React, uses JavaScript – the go-to programming language for a whopping 12.4 million developers worldwide. That's a big deal because it means businesses have a huge talent pool to pick from. 

With React Native, you can easily find experts who already know JavaScript and React, making it a smooth transition from web to mobile development. It's like having a language that speaks to millions of developers, making your team choices wide and flexible.

Native APIs and views: rich and fluid user interface

React Native is like a savvy translator that speaks both iOS and Android languages. It acknowledges the differences between the two, using native tools for buttons, menus, and other visual elements. This ensures your app looks and feels right on both Apple and Android devices, syncing seamlessly with each operating system's style.

No only that, but React Native provides the essential building blocks for your app's look and function. If you need fancy extras, the community offers plugins to jazz things up. Alternatively, you can create a native module right in your JavaScript code, giving you access to extra features like Apple and Google Pay. It's like having a toolkit that's both versatile and customizable for your app's unique needs.

Familiar ecosystem and concepts

Learning React Native is like adding a new tool to your handy JavaScript and React belt. If you're already familiar with these, getting the hang of React Native is a breeze, usually taking just a couple of weeks.

The best part?

You don't need to shell out extra cash for fancy courses. All the info you need is right there in the free documentation, and you've got a whole gang of helpful React Native developers ready to assist. It's like having a supportive community and a toolkit for building cool apps without breaking the bank.

Ready-to-use components: great development speed

You can think of React Native like a toolbox that comes with pre-made tools. The cool part? You're not stuck with just the basics. You get access to tons of extra tools made by other folks.

For instance, there's React Native Maps for adding maps to your app: 

React Native Elements for sharing UI elements between mobile and web apps.

NativeBase for a bunch of customizable UI elements.

Lottie for making animations.

It's like having a treasure of ready-to-use stuff that lets you build test versions of your idea (MVPs) and full-fledged apps super fast. It's the shortcut every developer dreams of!

Hermes engine: better runtime for Android and iOS

Hermes, crafted by Facebook, is like a speed boost for React Native (RN) apps. It's an open-source JavaScript engine designed to make your React Native apps zoom. How? It cuts down start-up time, trims memory use, and shrinks download sizes. Cool, right?

Here's the exciting part: Hermes used to be Android's secret weapon. But guess what? The latest React Native version (0.64) just unlocked Hermes for iOS too. The result? iOS apps now kick off a whopping 40 percent faster. Plus, having Hermes on both Android and iOS means smoother sailing for developers juggling both platforms. It's a win-win for everyone!

Future of React Native Framework

React Native is right now working with an energetic large-scale project also known as Fabric. The target behind it is to make React Native more improbable as Fabric will support React Native framework combined with hybrid JavaScript-based architecture.

With the Fabric feature, the developers can get the three most essential modifications that can boost the future growth of React Native. These changes are given below:

Async Rendering Capabilities

React Native will have async rendering capabilities that will help make handling asynchronous data easier and allow different rendering priorities.

New Threading Model

Fabric will permit its developers to call synchronously into JavaScript on any thread instead of permitting every UI update to work on three threads. It can overcome the stress on the main thread without compromising sensitivity.

Simplified Bridge

Developers exploring the creation of a simplified bridge for direct communication between native and JavaScript will find Fabric advantageous. This enhancement not only facilitates streamlined communication but also simplifies the use of various debugging tools. The exclusive benefits offered by Fabric contribute to keeping the React Native framework a step ahead of its competitors, promising a promising future for developers and businesses alike.


React Native has become a trendy and hot favorite for the developers of the mobile app development industry within a few years of its launching. It is a well-organized framework for the developers, a lucrative technology for businesses, and a satisfactory solution for end-users. So, if you want to design your cross-platform mobile application, then you can definitely go with react Native mobile app development.

If you have any doubts, it makes sense to consult tech experts from a reputed React Native App development company before investing in a particular technology — even the highly-praised React Native.

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