



5 Best Online Games To Play By Gaming Afficiandos





All of us are bored of sitting and having nothing to do at home, but that does not imply that this is the way of life. One has to keep searching for new things and activities to engage oneself in. Therefore, one of the best ways to kill your boredom and at the same time keep yourself hooked up is to play online games. Playing online games is one of the best easily accessible and the best way to keep yourself engaged. Therefore, why not introduce yourself to the best online games for PC to keep yourself busy all the time. 

Best Online Games For PC For You To Play 

If you are looking here and there and searching for online games to play on PC, you should take a look at some of the online games that we have chosen. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or you are a pro gamer, you can select what you think you can excel in. Here are the best games to play online: 


Everyone saw that coming, didn’t it? The player unknown’s battleground is a first-person shooter game and also one of the most played games of all time. All you need to do is survive on the large island and kill the opponents that come at you. Your search for loot on the island includes weapons, guns, clothes, etc. Not only this, but you can also form different alliances but at the same time be vigilant lest others loot your resources. The game is available on PC, Xbox One, and Android OS. 

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One of the famous online games for PC that almost every other person can have played. Fortnite is the survival co-op first shooter game, more or less like pubg. There are royal battles in Fortnite and each player out on the field is there to kill you. Moreover, people like the graphics of the game, as well due to different lively colors which attract and maintain attention. Similarly, you can form teams like in PUBG and kill other opponents with their help. The game is not as serious as PUBG, but worth it. The game is available on PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android and iOS.


Overwatch is also a first-person shooter game that is considered one of the best online games for beginners and pro gamers. This online game caught a lot of attention since its launch and each character inside the game has a history attached to itself. Not just shooting but it is also a mix of MOBAs, which means that you will be the mix of two worlds. This is pretty different from the shooter games we discussed above in terms of settings and environment. There is a 5v5 match in the game wherein you have to kill all your enemies present inside the game. The game is faster than the above shooting games and is worth a try. It is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One. 

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Do TA 2 

It is very popular and one of the best online games for PC. The Do TA 2 is a sequel to the Do TA game. The game has popular MOBAs and is very famous for warcraft strategies. Do TA 2 might be quite difficult and tough to handle for beginners but if you have a little idea about the war strategies, then you are good to go. In this game, you have a team of 5 players and your objective is to destroy the opponent team that also contains 5 players. You have to destroy the ancient of the opponent’s team and you win. Sounds very easy and direct, but in the end, it is not that easy. The game is available online for free on PC, Mac and Linux. 

Counter-strike: GO 

A very famous online game for PC is the counter strike, which is yet another first-person shooter game. The game has a big eSports screen backing and is very competitive, due to which it has a massive following. In this online game, you either join the group of terrorists or join the counter-terrorists. The principal motive of the game is to stop the terrorists from planting the bomb and if they have placed the bomb somewhere then the CT must disable it as soon as possible. You can play the game for free on steam but you have to pay for playing on other websites. The game is available on PC, Mac, Linux, PS3 and Linux 360. 

Read: How To Find Steam Friend Code And Add Stream Friend ID

These were the best online games for PC that you can play during this time of confinement without having to worry about your gaming skills or anything else. 

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